
Thursday, May 15, 2014

Best Meatless Chili Recipe

I'm proud to say this is my own chili recipe.  I make this quite often, and after several tweakings, I've nailed it.
It's easy to include meat for all you meat-lovers out there.  Right now, I am doing the meatless thing, so that is the version I am choosing to share with you.  If you want to add meat, cut out one can of beans, and add ground beef, turkey, or pork instead.

Saute in a large skillet:
1 Small Yellow Onion-chopped
1 Green Bell Pepper-chopped
3 Cloves of Garlic- minced
3 Vine Ripened Tomatoes
 (you can also use canned tomatoes, but don't add those here)

In a separate bowl mix together:
2 Tbs Chili Powder
2 Tbs Cumin
1 Tbs Cornstarch
1 Tbs Brown Sugar
2 Tsp Cinnamon
1 Tsp Red Ground Pepper
2 Tsp Cayenne Pepper
1 Tsp Thyme
Dash of Salt

This will be your seasoning.  After veggies are golden brown and soft, add them to a large pot.  Add in:
1 Can Kidney Beans-rinsed
1 Can Black Beans-rinsed
1 Large Can Baked Beans
1 Large Can Zesty & Spicy Spaghetti Sauce Plus, 1 Can Water
(If you are using canned tomatoes, add them here)
Bring to a boil.  Reduce Heat, add seasoning mix, and simmer for about 15 minutes or until hot and thickened, stirring occasionally. Serve with your choice, shredded cheese, sour cream, and chopped onion.  
Everyone who tries it always loves it, and is surprised when I tell them what's in it. One day spaghetti sauce, and baked beans was what I had in my cupboard and I made chili with it.  I loved it, my kids loved it, & my husband loved it.  I've never gone back to using tomato sauce and plain ol' beans.  
Plus, it's super fast!  I am a busy mom of 5.  I don't have a lot time to prep.  The only prep work you have to do for this recipe,  is chop the onions, garlic, tomatoes, and bell pepper.  My secret to making this step fast is I use this Salsa Maker, that I bought for my husband not too long ago.  It takes your prep time down to nothing. :)
You can get it here:

Even though the weather is warming up, I still like to have a hot meal that feeds a lot of people on the fly.

What kind of easy recipes have saved you on a time crunch?

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